The future is already today: how the TEFF company is revolutionizing the heating industry through innovative technologies
Alternative thermal energy for production is the use of such renewable energy sources, which differ from traditional, fossil hydrocarbons such as coal, oil and natural gas.
Ecological renewable sources have an important advantage, namely: they do not harm the environment, help preserve natural resources and create conditions for life on our planet in the future. Today, limiting the use of fossil hydrocarbons and using environmentally friendly technologies is the most relevant global trend. To learn more about how alternative heat energy becomes not just a choice for the future, but also a reality today, we spoke with the leader in this field in Ukraine - the director of TEFF LLC. The company, having its own well-known teff brand and a good reputation, offers alternative heat energy technologies and provides a full cycle of solutions: design, equipment production, installation, support, service.
Scientific developments of teff are based on the physico-chemical principles of burning solid carbohydrates using our own innovations and many years of experience in the operation of burners. For the agricultural sector, the company offers its own latest developments: heat-generating devices operating on an automated control system for grain-drying complexes and production boiler rooms, using biomass as fuel. Yurii Fareniuk is a highly qualified specialist who explains how innovative technologies can change the "face" of the energy sector and make a significant contribution to the preservation of the planet's resources.

Yurii Fareniuk, the director of TEFF LLC
- Yurii Volodymyrovych, tell us in more detail what the activities of the TEFF company are aimed at.
- Our company is actively engaged in the implementation of technologies for the use of renewable energy sources and the development of effective biomass burning methods. The main goal is to represent on the market innovative solutions for large projects that allow replacing fossil hydrocarbons, such as gas, oil and coal, with renewable sources, which are largely present in Ukraine. Our resource potential includes wood, agricultural waste and products of agricultural enterprises, for example, such as sunflower husks. We develop and implement technologies and equipment for burning biomass that generate thermal energy. This energy is widely used to solve the technological needs of enterprises in various industries, being characterized by high efficiency and economy. It is important to note that our technology allows not only to avoid the use of hydrocarbons, but also to minimize the negative impact on the environment, since no additional hydrocarbons are emitted into the atmosphere during the biomass burning process and the hydrocarbon balance is maintained.
Paying attention to the economic feasibility, we emphasize that the use of thermal energy obtained from biomass is economically beneficial twice as much as in the case of the use of hydrocarbons. This helps to save resources. In addition, our technologies allow the agricultural sector to use its own resources to dry crops without the need to purchase hydrocarbons, thereby reducing costs and minimizing environmental impact.
- Why did the company choose this particular line of activity?
- Today, there may not be many companies on the market that are actively engaged in the use of renewable energy sources and efficient biomass burning. But this is definitely an important step in the direction of the future. Teff has identified an important task for itself - the preservation of our planet's resources, developing and implementing technologies aimed at the sustainable replacement of fossil hydrocarbons. 12 years ago, when the company was founded, we took risks when making decisions about our activities.
At that time, gas was cheap and the efficient use of renewable energy sources did not look so profitable. However, taking into account the presence of significant volumes of waste that needed to be disposed of, it became obvious that this could not only be a way of saving money, but also an important component of an environmental protection strategy.
- Briefly explain how technical equipment from the TEFF company is eco-friendly for the environment?
- Our equipment is directly aimed at minimizing the negative impact on the environment. It allows you to burn biomass that has already used up hydrocarbons from the atmosphere. During the combustion process, the same amount of hydrocarbons that the plant previously used during its growth is returned to the atmosphere. This means that we do not disturb the balance of hydrocarbons in the environment.
Second, we abandon the use of hydrocarbons such as gas, oil and coal, which have been formed by nature over millions of years. Instead, we rely on renewable sources such as biomass, which regenerate quickly and do not harm the ecosystem. In this way, we preserve natural resources without disturbing the ecological balance and leaving critical hydrocarbons for future generations.
- Do you work only in Ukraine or abroad?
- Our "geography of trust" covers all regions of Ukraine. The company's equipment also operates in Georgia, Turkey and Kazakhstan. As for Kazakhstan, we already have our own production there, since it is impractical to transport equipment over long distances (about 4,500 km). Currently, we are actively working in the European direction, and we already have agreed agreements that are entering the signing phase.

- Do you often participate in agricultural events?
- As I already said, we are actively targeting the European market, so we try to participate in all agricultural exhibitions. For example, our products are currently presented at the AGROmashEXPO 2024 exhibition, which is held in Budapest (January 23-27, aut.). They also participated in the largest agricultural exhibition Agritechnica-2023.
We presented techno-generating devices for grain dryers and steam boilers for use in technological purposes, which we developed together with manufacturing plants. Both dryers and steam boilers use renewable and non-fossil biomass as fuel, which is an excellent alternative to gas and other hydrocarbons. In addition, we presented our evolutionary development in the management system.
Today, it is full automation and compliance with the technologies required by our customers. Our system fully meets the management requirements of dryers manufactured both in Ukraine and abroad. We also presented our new steam boilers with a capacity of 20-30 t/h. And new generators of the fourth generation using heat exchangers, which make it possible to dry grain with clean air. These are non-traditional plate heat exchangers that work with our biomass-fueled generators.

- Were visitors interested in your products?
- The participants' interest in our products turned out to be quite significant. Europe is not yet used to such solutions, but the mathematical validity of our approach, where thermal energy costs half as much as what they use, gives additional interest to our technologies.
- How often do you update and improve the equipment?
- Every day. We can say that the history of our development is a history of constant improvement and growth. Twelve years ago, our first thermal energy generator was created as an experimental device capable of producing 1 megawatt of thermal energy. However, today, after years of innovation and improvement, a single device can meet the needs of 25 megawatts of thermal energy.
- Where do you get your knowledge from?
- We take knowledge from various sources. First, from my own experience accumulated over the years of activity. In addition, they had basic theoretical knowledge from the institute. We rely on the practical laws of physics, in particular, in the field of the theory of burning solid hydrocarbons, and during this time we have already developed our own understanding of these processes, which is reflected in our effective actions. All employees undergo training and follow the latest technological and scientific developments. It is important to note that there is no description of what we are developing in the literature because we are innovating. Therefore, due to our own experiments and strict adherence to the laws of physics, we create technologies that are tested on real objects. Learning for us is a continuous process where we observe, adjust and improve the parameters of our technologies.
- In your opinion, what are the prospects for the use of biomass in processing and energy complexes in Ukraine?
- According to the data of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine for the past year, our country successfully replaced about 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas with the help of biomass, which is an impressive indicator. I have firm confidence that it is possible to replace another 3-5 billion cubic meters of gas. So now we are actively pursuing a policy aimed at stimulating farmers to produce an additional product that can be used as an energy resource. Our goal is that every landowner can grow not only the main agricultural crops, but also his own fuel, which opens up new perspectives in energy production.
- What is the payback of your equipment?
- Payback of generators for agricultural enterprises is approximately 2 years. The use of steam generators or the transition to the use of biomass, for example, in a distillery, can pay for itself within a year. Such a quick payback period makes these technologies not only effective, but also economically profitable in the medium term, contributing to the implementation of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient solutions in the field of production.
- Finally, what creed do you follow in life?
- Be efficient!
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